Cosmetic Tattoo Info

The following services listed below are categorized as cosmetic tattoo procedures and is to be carefully considered before booking the appointment. Please review the following list of contraindications to see if you qualify to receive these procedures. If you have any allergies, please mention them to your artist as well. For any further questions or concerns, please email


  • Under 18 years of age

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Cancer

  • Epileptic

  • Diabetic

  • Prone to keloids

  • Using Accutane

  • Auto-immune diseases

  • Serious health conditions

  • Hyperpigmentation or hypo-pigmentation

  • Transmittable blood conditions (HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis)

  • Currently on chemotherapy or radiotherapy

  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, severe acne, rosacea, etc. )

  • Healing disorders or problems with healing

  • To achieve optimal results, here is what you can do to better prepare yourself for the Natural Microblading procedure. Please refrain from taking any blood thinners 24 hours before your appointment unless it is medically necessary. This includes the following but not limited to:

    • Caffeinated Drinks (coffee, tea, energy drinks)

    • Alcoholic Beverages

    • Niacin

    • Fish Oil

    • Vitamin E

    • Ibuprofen / Aspirin / Pain Killers

    • Antibiotics (2 weeks before and after)

    Please leave a time frame in between your appointment or refrain from any activities or treatments that may cause irritation or sensitivity to your skin. For best results, please refer to these instructions:

    • Avoid tweezing, waxing, or threading your eyebrows at least 3 days before your appointment.

    • Refrain from using Retinol or Retin-A products at least 7 days before your appointment. It is recommended to not use retinol products post procedure for at least 3 weeks around the treated area.

    • Refrain from skin treatments, including but not limited to, such as suntanning, dermaplaning, and laser treatments at least 14 days before and after your appointment. For chemical peels or intensive facials, please wait at least 4 weeks before your appointment.

    • Refrain from receiving botox and fillers at least 3-4 weeks before and after so it doesn’t affect the overall structure of the face.

    • Please ensure you are clear of any wounds, cuts, abrasions, acne on the treatment area on the day of your appointment.


    After your appointment, you can expect your new brows to be bold and vibrant for the first few days. Your brows may experience flaking and itching by the 4th day which is common for most. It is advised not to touch with your bare fingers, or apply makeup or products on the treated area to prevent any risks of infections.

    For the first few days, gently dab the eyebrows by using a cotton pad with sterile water to wipe away any excess lymph fluids.

    With a clean applicator, apply a rice grain amount of healing ointment on the eyebrows and apply as instructed by the artist. For oily skin, gently press oil blotting sheets to the treated area and minimize the use of ointment to once a day.

    Refrain from any activities that will cause you to sweat for about 7-10 days.

    Refrain from soaking or submerging your eyebrows in water! Swimming, hot showers or saunas are not recommended during the healing process.

    Please try your best to avoid direct sunlight or tanning. After the eyebrows have healed, please apply sunscreen to the treated area to help keep its retention.

    DO NOT pick the scabs if they start to peel. To ensure best results, please let the scabs fall off naturally to keep the retention intact.

  • To achieve optimal results, here is what you can do to better prepare yourself for the Lip Rouge Tattoo procedure.

    Very important! If you’re prone to cold sores, please consult with your doctor to take an anti-viral medication to prevent an outbreak or infection. It is recommended to take the medication 4 days before and 2 days after the procedure. Even if you haven’t had a reaction recently, it is encouraged to take these precautionary steps to prevent an outbreak.

    Please arrive to the appointment with smooth, hydrated lips! If you tend to have chapped lips, please take any necessary steps to exfoliate and hydrate your lips a few days before your appointment. A smooth canvas is needed when working on this procedure to implant the customized pigment.

    Please refrain from taking any blood thinners 24 hours before your appointment unless it is medically necessary. This includes the following but not limited to:

    • Caffeinated Drinks (coffee, tea, energy drinks)

    • Alcoholic Beverages

    • Niacin

    • Fish Oil

    • Vitamin E

    • Ibuprofen / Aspirin / Pain Killers

    Please leave a time frame in between your appointment or refrain from any activities or treatments that may cause irritation or sensitivity to your skin. For best results, please refer to these instructions:

    • Refrain from receiving botox and fillers at least 3-4 weeks before and after so it doesn’t affect the overall structure of the face.

    • Refrain from skin treatments, including but not limited to, such as suntanning, dermaplaning, and laser treatments at least 7-14 days before and after your appointment.


    You can expect your lips to look vibrant and feel dry and tight in the first few days. Gently wipe your lips with sterile water with a clean cotton pad to clean away any lymph fluids for the first few days.

    Apply the healing ointment with a clean cotton swab at least 3 times a day for the first week while healing. It is encouraged to keep your lips hydrated while healing.

    • Refrain from touching or applying makeup on the lips until healed.

    • Refrain from exercising, tanning, and being in direct sunlight.

    • Avoid spicy or citric foods to prevent irritation. If possible, drink your beverages with a straw.

    • Scabbing may appear by the third day of the healing process. Please do not pick the scab and let the scabs fall off naturally.

  • To achieve optimal results, here is what you can do to better prepare yourself for the Shrink Treatment.

    Please arrive to your appointment in loose and comfortable clothing. Area should be clean and free of any dirt, sweat, and any topical products that can affect the results of the procedure.

    For the first 3 days after your appointment:

    • Do not exercise.

    • Do not touch or scratch the treated area.

    • Do not wash the treated area with soap for 2 days. On day 3, you may start using antiseptic or antibacterial soap. Please avoid using scented soap.

    Treat the treated area like an open wound. To avoid possible infection, please do the following:

    • Wear clean clothes.

    • Wash hands with soap before touching the treated area.

    • Change beddings on the day of the treatment.

    • If underarm was treated, please refrain from using deodorant.

    For the first 4 weeks of appointment:

    • Apply A&D ointment everyday. Ointment may be reapplied throughout the day.

    • Avoid tanning and exposure to the sun. You can enjoy indoor pool or nighttime jacuzzi 7 days after healing.

    • Do not use body lotion on the treated area, no matter how natural the body lotion may be.

Aftercare is key

Proper aftercare is highly encouraged to avoid any risk for infections and to ensure in long lasting results. All healed results will vary from person to person. Please note that all healing results will vary on these factors: proper pre-care and aftercare, skin type, immune system, and environmental lifestyle. It is imperative to cooperate and contribute your effort into the healing process in order to see the best possible results.

For further questions, please email